The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week:
1. Tuesday, May. 25, 2021; 7 pm PDT (9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT): We welcome Lisa La Bonte to discuss the UAE and space plus related topics.
3. Wednesday, May. 26, 2021: Hotel Mars TBA pre-recorded. See upcoming show menu on the home page for program details.
4. Thursday, May. 27, 2021; 7-8:30 pm PDT (9-10:30 pm CDT, 10-11:30 pm EDT): No program today.
5. Friday, May.28, 2021; 9:30-11 am PDT (11:30 am-1 pm CDT, 12:30-2 pm EDT): We welcome back Dr. Matthew Caplan regarding his latest work on supernova and cool white dwarf stars. See the links to his papers on this topic on our blog.
6. Sunday, May.30, 2021; 12-1:30 pm PDT (3-4:30 pm EDT, 2-3:30 pm CDT): No program today due to the U.S. Memorial Day Holiday Weekend.
Some recent shows:
** Sunday, May.23.2021 – Dr. Shawna Pandya spoke about “aerospace medicine for space tourists, for the Orbital Assembly Corp, space settlement medical issues and much more“.
** Friday, May.21.2021 – Dr. Namrata Goswami discussed “space policy, Artemis, the Biden Space Policy, China and space plus more“.
*** Tuesday, May.18.2021– Chris Carberry of Explore Mars Inc. talked about their upcoming Mars Innovation Forum (May 25-27, 2021, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm EDT Daily) and about the Space Drink Association.
** Hotel Mars (John Batchelor Show/The Space Show) Tuesday, May.18.2021 – Douglas Messier spoke with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston about Virgin Galactic and “SpaceShipTwo problems and problems noted with the Eve mothership“.
** See also:
* The Space Show Archives
* The Space Show Newsletter
* The Space Show Shop
The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.

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