Video: Rocket Mountain College Astronaut Panel, March 22, 2013

The Space Show posts audio and video recordings of a space panel discussion event  held on Friday, March 22nd at Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana: Rocky Mtn. College Astronaut Panel 2, Friday Afternoon, 3-22-13 – Thespaceshow’s Blog

The panel included Dr. John Jurist, Dr. Harrison Schmitt, Walter Cunningham, and Dr. Loren Acton. The video caption includes the following description of the event:

We welcomed our panel members and the live Rocky Mountain College student, professor, and community audience to our afternoon 1 hour 34 minute panel in which we focused on human spaceflight, the Saturn V, the Saturn 1B, and the Space Shuttle, along with space science, risk taking, and what each panel member thought was most valuable for scientific reasons in the solar system. We took many audience questions on a wide ranging group of topics including why spend money on space, especially in this difficult economy, solar cells, Boy Scouts and space, and what it was like to walk on the Moon

AMSAT & ISS amateur radio news

Go to AMSAT News for the latest headlines about developments in amateur and student satellites and for updates about amateur radio on the ISS.

ANS 090 Weekly AMSAT Bulletin – March 30, 2013:

* Schedule of AMSAT Activities at Dayton Hamvention
* AMSAT/TAPR Banquet Speaker: Bruce Perens, K6BP
* AMSAT Store Now Selling Tickets for AMSAT/TAPR Friday Night Banquet
* “Dayton Only” Special Deals at the AMSAT Store
* Google Earth Satellite Tracker Software Rollout for Demo and Testing
* AMSAT-UK Colloquium 2013 Announced for July 19-21
* South Africa AMSAT Space Symposium to Feature Interesting Topics
* VO-52 HAMSAT Transponder User Feedback Requested
* Cubesat Launches Planned for April
* ARISS School Contacts This Week
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

Spacevidcast 6.09: XCOR’s new piston rocket engine

Spacevidcast posts the latest live episode, which included guest Andrew Nelson from XCOR Aerospace who talked about the tests of their piston rocket engine, the Lynx suborbital spaceplane and other topics: XCOR’s new Piston Rocket Engine – 6.09 – Spacevidcast

Google Lunar X PRIZE summit + Inspiration Mars is an inspirational effort

Perhaps we will find out next week if any of the Google Lunar X PRIZE teams actually have the funding to buy a rocket ride to the Moon; time is getting short to get there in time : GLXP Update: Big Summit Set for Next Week – Parabolic Arc


Jim Banke believes Inspiration Mars is well worth getting inspired about: My advice: Get inspired by Inspiration Mars – Orbital Inclinations.