Z-2 Spacesuit contest: Vote for best cover layer design

The NASA Z-2 EVA spacesuit development group is asking the public to vote on which of three exterior styles they like best: Z-2 Spacesuit Design Vote – NASA JSC

After the positive response to the Z-1 suit’s visual design we received, we wanted to take the opportunity to provide this new suit with an equally memorable appearance. The cover layer of a prototype suit is important as it serves to protect the suit against abrasion and snags during the rigors of testing. With the Z-2, we’re looking forward to employing cover layer design elements never used in a spacesuit before. The designs shown were produced in collaboration with ILC, the primary suit vendor and Philadelphia University. The designs were created with the intent to protect the suit and to highlight certain mobility features to aid suit testing. To take it a step further, we are leaving it up you, the public, to choose which of three candidates will be built.  

Option A: “Biomimicry”



Option B: “Technology”



Option C: “Trends in Society”


Space policy roundup – Mar.31.14

A selection of today’s space policy/politics related links:

Update:  Webcasts

The Space Show this week

The guests and topics for The Space Show this week:

1. Monday, March 31, 2014, 2-3:30 PM PDT(5-6:30 PM EDT, 4-5:30 PM CDT): We welcome PATRICK RITCHIE to discuss the space & STEM aspects of the SXSW event recently held in Austin, TX. Visit the event website for an overview prior to our Monday discussion: http://sxsw.com.

2. Tuesday, April 1, 2014:, 7-8:30 PM PDT (10-11:30 PM EDT, 9-10:30 PM CDT): We welcome KEVIN HEATH President and CEO of Waypoint 2 Space, the new space & astronaut training center near JSC.

3. Friday, April 4, 2014, 9:30-11 AM PDT (12:30-2 PM EDT; 11:30 AM-1 PM CDT): We welcome back DWIGHT STEVEN-BONIECKI regarding his new book, Live TV From The Moon.

4. Sunday, April 6, 2014, 12-1:30 PM PDT (3-4:30 PM EDT, 2-3:30 PM CDT). We welcome DR. BEHROKH KHOSHNEVIS to discuss contour crafting. Be sure to visit his website prior to the show at www.craft-usc.com.

See also:
/– The Space Show on Vimeo – webinar videos
/– The Space Show’s Blog – summaries of interviews.
/– The Space Show Classroom Blog – tutorial programs

The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.

New dwarf planet visitor from the Oort Cloud

Ira Flatow interviews astronomer Chad Trujillo about a new dwarf planet that he and his team discovered in the outer reaches of our solar system: Dwarf Planet Found at the Edge of the Solar System – Science Friday

More about the discovery:

The orbits of Pluto, Eris, Sedna, and 2012 VP113Unmannedspaceflight.com user Lucas, via Planetary Society
This diagram shows the relative sizes of the
orbits of Pluto and the dwarf planets
Eris, Sedna, and 2012 VP113

Space policy roundup – March.30.14 [Update]

A selection of space policy related links:
