Low cost GOES weather satellite stations

Home systems for GOES weather satellite image reception are now quite affordable. Nooele currently offers this package for just $179 at Amazon: Nooelec GOES Weather Satellite RTL-SDR Bundle[Amazon commission link]

Includes NESDR SMArTee XTR Software Defined Radio, & Everything Else Needed to Receive LRIT, HRIT & HRPT Satellite Weather Images Directly from Space!”

    • This bundle will allow you to receive detailed, high-resolution, near real-time images from orbiting weather satellites. With as little as an hour of setup, you will be receiving LRIT, HRIT and HRPT GOES transmissions, error-free and with ease!
    • This GOES Weather Satellite SDR bundle includes a GOES parabolic reflector antenna, NESDR SMArTee XTR SDR receiver, SAWbird+ GOES LNA module, 10m LMR400 cable, and the other cables and adapters required for a full GOES receiver. Just add a host device and software, and you are ready to go
    • The 21dBi antenna is meant for high gain L-band applications where the antenna is stationary. The center frequency is 1.75GHz, and bandwidth is 200MHz or greater. This encompasses many popular weather satellite applications and constellations
    • Software is required for the decoding of images. Current options are either free Linux-based decoders or a paid version of XRIT Decoder for Windows (a license is NOT included in this bundle!). A virtual machine can be used for Linux instead of a standalone Linux computer or Raspberry Pi, if preferred.



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