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Space policy roundup – June.17.13

Some recent space policy related posts:

Update:  Res Communis posts the latest collection of space and aviation related law, regulation and policy links: Library: A Round-up of Reading.

AMSAT & ISS amateur radio news

Go to AMSAT News for the latest headlines about developments in amateur and student satellites and for updates about amateur radio on the ISS.

ANS 167 Weekly AMSAT Bulletin – June 16, 2013:

* HAM Video for the ISS Announced by ARISS
* AMSAT Videos from Dayton Hamvention
* AMSAT Area Coordinator Kevin Smith, N3HKQ, now SK
* Fox-2 MPPT Team Selected In TI Design Contest
* AMSAT Field Day 2013 – One More Time
* Wilse Morgan WX7P (ex-KL7CQ) SK
* ARISS News
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

50 years since Valentina Tereshkova flew to space

Today is the 50th anniversary of the spaceflight of Valentina Tereshkova, the first women to go to space:

Video highlights of her trip to space: