A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest (find previous space policy roundups here):
- Schedule:
- Biden space:
- Trump space:
- Space technology:
- SLS/Orion:
- NASA programs:
- Space infrastructure:
- Commercial space:
- ISS:
- Regulation/Spectrum:
- Space law:
- Space traffic & environment issues:
- US states space:
- US Defense space:
- Launch:
- Commercial tech :
- Report: U.S. military space programs at risk of losing domestic sources of key components – SpaceNews
- Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal selected as future home of U.S. Space Command – SpaceNews
- Space Force Reaches Out To New Partners– Eye On China – Breaking Defense
- What will space security look like in 2021? – The Space Review
- Launch:
International space
- Australia:
- China:
- China issues document to boost global cooperation on lunar samples – ecns.cn
- Testing at smart satellite factory now underway – Chinadaily.com.cn
- China Space Station: Core Module Okayed in Factory Review – LeonardDavid
- China’s next generation rocket engine to power ambitious space programme | South China Morning Post
- China makes progress in developing rocket engines for space missions – Xinhua
- China moves to next stage of super heavy rocket development – SpaceNews
- Europe
- Europe’s lack of rocket ‘audacity’ leaves it scrambling in the space race – POLITICO
- EU backs Orbital Ventures and Primo Space with €300 million – SpaceWatch.Global
- Airbus and UK progress with Skynet6 program – SpaceWatch.Global
- Space Café Recap: “Black Ops by Ralph Thiele #02”- Quantum Technologies – SpaceWatch.Global
- European space in a time of transition – The Space Review
- Japan:
- India:
- Mauritius:
- Nigeria:
- Russia:
- UK:
** China Aero & Space Weekly News Round-Up – Episode 15 (4th – 10th Jan. 2021) – Dongfang Hour – YouTube
1) CASC announces plans for 40 launches in 2021 …
2) CMA announces a tender for a low-cost cargo spacecraft: a Chinese COTS/CRS program? …
3) China confirms the feasibility of space-ground quantum key distribution, in publication published in Nature …
(See also the summary: Dongfang Hour China Aerospace News Roundup 4 Jan – 10 Jan 2021 – SpaceWatch.Global)
[ Update: ** China Aero & Space Weekly News Round-Up – Episode 16 (11th – 17th Jan. 2021) – Dongfang Hour – YouTube
1) iSpace Announces Plans for an IPO on the Star Board…
2) Several updates on CASC making progress on propulsion technology…
3) US adds 9 Chinese companies to a blacklist, including COMAC and Air China Group…
** Where in Space Are We Going in 2021? – SETI Institute
** U.S. Space Command, Innovation and Defending Space Assets – Constellations Podcast
Listen to Brigadier General Leonard, principal advisor to the USSPACECOM Commander and Deputy Commander discuss U.S. Space Command and the importance of innovation in a warfighting environment. Space is a booming business, not only for the American people but booming for the U.S. adversaries. To stay ahead, the U.S. military needs to be innovative in how they think, the technology they use and how they are organized. Brigadier General Leonard talked about innovation being the new competitive advantage and that they must equip and enable their people with an environment where they feel their ideas are valued. Enemies understand that innovation and technology and space capabilities are central to fighting in space and across the joint force, so his team must accelerate their capabilities in those areas. USSPACECOM is not interested in small evolutionary technology, but something that’s really going to be a game changer.
** Episode 48: CubeSat Industry Day – Aerospace Corp – Center for Space Policy & Strategy (CSPS)
** Bleddyn Bowen – What Will War In Space Really Look Like? – Cold Star Project S02E75 – Cold Star Technologies – YouTube
Bleddyn Bowen, PhD, is the author of War In Space: Strategy Space Power, Geopolitics. He has a different point of view on space warfare than the typical one we see from fanboys and mechanistic white papers. On this episode of the Cold Star Project, host Jason Kanigan asks Bleddyn:
– How do you operationally define space power? What are the “levers and dials”? What does “winning” mean in this environment?
– What is ‘space warfare’? Why do you believe Clausewitz remains relevant today and in the space domain?
– How does geopolitics apply to space? Are there equalizing forces?
– What international issues should we be paying attention to that could impact space warfare?
– When it comes to the actualities of space warfare, what are the critical elements?
– What is the significance of the new US Space Force?
– Why did you write and publish a book on the topic (War In Space: Strategy, Space Power, Geopolitics)?
Who are you intending to impact, and why? Astropolitics Research Portal: https://astropoliticsblog.wordpress.com/
** The Space Show – Tuesday, Jan.12.2021 – Rod Pyle and Aggie Kobrin talked about the “Feb. 4th NSS Space Settlement 2021 virtual program, ISDC plans, private and government space programs, plus much more”.
** The Space Show – Sunday, Jan.17.2021 – Open Lines program hosted by David Livingston included discussions of space in 2021.
** January 13, 2021 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast
** January 15, 2021 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast
** Space Café WebTalk – Martin Coleman – 15. December 2020 – spacewatch. global – News Room – YouTube
In this week’s Space Cafè WebTalk, Martin Coleman, Member of the Advisory Board at Satcoms Innovation Group, United Kingdom talked about 2020 vision on Space Debris.
Martin Colman talked about the importance of data sharing in the Space Situational Awareness context. He addressed the Space Debris issue from the data site and will share his vision on the current situation in space 2020.
Martin Colman also answered relevant questions from the audience.
This Space Cafè WebTalk, held on 15 Dezember 2020, was hosted by Torsten Kriening, publisher of SpaceWatch.Global.
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