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AMSAT & ISS amateur radio news

Go to AMSAT News for the latest headlines about developments in amateur and student satellites and for updates about amateur radio on the ISS.

ANS 167 Weekly AMSAT Bulletin – June 16, 2013:

* HAM Video for the ISS Announced by ARISS
* AMSAT Videos from Dayton Hamvention
* AMSAT Area Coordinator Kevin Smith, N3HKQ, now SK
* Fox-2 MPPT Team Selected In TI Design Contest
* AMSAT Field Day 2013 – One More Time
* Wilse Morgan WX7P (ex-KL7CQ) SK
* ARISS News
* Satellite Shorts From All Over

50 years since Valentina Tereshkova flew to space

Today is the 50th anniversary of the spaceflight of Valentina Tereshkova, the first women to go to space:

Video highlights of her trip to space:

Lone Signal – using a big dish to broadcast messages to ET

The LONE SIGNAL project, which officially opens on June 18th,  wants to send messages to an extraterrestrial intelligence (METI) using a former NASA radio dish near Carmel, California : Lone Signal: METI Teams Up With Citizen Science To Try And Make First Contact – Science 2.0

Lone Signal is going to start firing off messages on a recurring basis and its first target is Gliese 526 in the constellation Boötes, just under 18 light years from us. And they are going to let the public decide what those messages are, no prime numbers or atomic elements dictated by committees. It can be pictures of your cat, though if you just sign up you can only send one short text message – all the electricity to fire up a 97 foot dish and transmit into space doesn’t come cheap – and more elaborate stuff is only available if you contribute money to the cause. After it’s sent, you can monitor how far it has gone and discuss with other people in the Lone Signal community.

The article includes an interview with Jamie King of Lone Signal.