Space Frontier Foundation invites applications for Teachers in Space workshop

Joe Latrell of the Space Frontier Foundation (and Photos-to-Space) sent this announcement:

Teachers in Space Announces Opening for Flight Experiment
Summer Workshop Applications

The Space Frontier Foundation’s Teachers in Space (TIS) project today announced that teacher’s applications are now being accepted for its Flight Experiment summer workshop.

Teachers in Space is a project to inspire student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by engaging teachers with authentic astronaut training and real space science experiences combined with information and resources they bring into classrooms across America.

The workshop is offered for high school teachers of math, science and technology.

The Flight Experiment workshop offers hands-on, repeatable experience with suborbital and orbital experiment design and launch processes. Participants will build, launch, track, retrieve, and analyze captured data from weather balloon experiments which can be recreated within a typical classroom budget. Teachers will learn about commercial spaceflight, suborbital and glider and balloon flight, meteorology, basic glider controls, basic instrumentation, control surfaces, and simple pre-made instruments that will be flying with teachers in gliders and on weather balloons. They will also learn about pressure change, accelerometers, and dosimeters. The experience will culminate with teachers practicing what was learned during the week as they launch their own weather balloons.

Leading the workshop are award winning master teachers James Kuhl, Earth Science Teacher from Syracuse, NY, Rachael Manzer, STEM Coach from Hartford, CT,  Luther Richardson, Physics Instructor, Columbus High School (Columbus, GA) & Systems Engineer for AstroSystems, LLC, and Joe Latrell Project Coordinator from Teachers in Space, PA.

The workshop will be held in Columbus GA, on July 21-25, 2014.

If you are a teacher of science, technology, engineering, or math at the high school level we encourage you to apply. Space is limited; only 30 seats are available. The deadline for workshop applications is April 1, 2014. The workshop is free of charge to qualified applicants.

U.S. High School STEM (Science Technology Engineering or Math) teachers may apply at: