A new selection of space policy/politics related items
- “Interpretation Concerning Involvement of NASA Astronauts During a Licensed Launch or Reentry” – Federal Register, Volume 78 Issue 231 (Monday, December 2, 2013) – Bottom line:
In conclusion, Chapter 509 and the FAA’s regulations impose no operational constraints on NASA astronauts for the scenarios envisioned here.
- Hands Off Our Lunar Landing Sites? Not So Fast – TIME.com
- Congressman wants to know if NASA has too much infrastructure – Space Politics
- Congress Deflates, Bigelow Inflates – Space KSC
- What is NewSpace? – Space KSC
- ‘India can partner Ethiopia in space technology’ – IANS Live
- In the footsteps of the US: Why next man on Moon will be Chinese – The Independent
- BBC News – Why China is fixated on the Moon
- Argentina on the Way to Have Its Own Small Launch Vehicle – Space Digest