Night sky highlights for August 2023

** What’s Up: August 2023 Skywatching Tips from NASA – NASA JPL

What are some skywatching highlights in August 2023?
Saturn reaches opposition this month, meaning it’s at its biggest and brightest for the year, and visible all night. The “shooting stars” of the annual Perseid meteors are a must-see, overnight on August 12th. And this month brings two full moons – the second of which is a “Super Blue Moon.”

0:00 Intro
0:11 Saturn at opposition
0:40 Pairings of the Moon, stars, and planets
1:05 Perseid meteor shower
2:16 Super Blue Moon
3:46 August Moon phases

Additional information about topics covered in this episode of What’s Up, along with still images from the video, and the video transcript, are available at….

** Tonight’s Sky: August 2023 – Space Telescope Science InstituteTonight’s Sky

In August, a flock of star-studded figures soars overhead. Look for the Vega and Lyra constellations, which point to Epsilon Lyrae and the Ring Nebula. You can also spot three bright summer stars: Vega, Deneb, and Altair, which form the Summer Triangle. Keep watching for space-based views of these and other stars and nebulas.

** What to see in the night sky: August 2023BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Astronomers Pete Lawrence and Paul Abel reveal the best things to see in the night sky this month, including Mercury and Venus, Saturn at opposition, Comet C/2020 V2 (ZTF), a perigee full Moon and the Perseid meteor shower.

** Sky & Telescope’s Sky Tour Podcast – August 2023 – Sky & Telescope Youtube

Our monthly Sky Tour #astronomy #podcast provides an informative and entertaining 10-minute guided tour of the nighttime sky. Listen to the August episode and stalk a Blue #moon; peek perchance at some #Perseids; welcome #Saturn to the evening sky; and gaze at the center of the #milkyway.

See also

** What’s in the Night Sky August 2023 🌌 Perseid Meteor Shower | Super Blue MoonAlyn Wallace

00:00 Intro
00:27 Super Sturgeon Moon
01:00 Super Blue Moon
01:50 Perseid Meteor Shower
05:00 Milky Way
05:57 Planets
07:18 #WITNS Winners

** Night Sky Notebook August 2023Peter Detterline

** See also:

An image of Jupiter, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope on 25 August 2020, was captured when the planet was 653 million kilometres from Earth. Hubble’s sharp view is giving researchers an updated weather report on the monster planet’s turbulent atmosphere, including a remarkable new storm brewing, and a cousin of the Great Red Spot changing colour — again. The new image also features Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.

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