The Space Show this week – Dec.27.2021

The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week:

1. Tuesday, Dec.28, 2021; 7 pm PST (9 pm CST, 10 pm EST): We welcome back Thomas A. Olson for his annual commercial space year in review classic Space Show program. Join us for this final live broadcast program with Tom for 2021.

2. Wednesday, Dec.29, 2021; 1:00 pm PST (3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST) – Hotel Mars: No Hotel Mars this week.

3. Friday, Dec.31, 2021; 9:30-11 am PST (11:30 am-1 pm CST, 12:30-2 pm EST): No show for New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year’s Everyone.

4. Sunday, Jan.2, 2021; 12-1:30 pm PST (2-3:30 pm CST, 3-4:30 pm EST): We welcome in 2022 with our first Open Lines program for the new year. Give us a call. New callers welcome. Call 1-866-687-7223.

Some recent shows:

** Sunday, Dec.26.2021Leonard David talked “about leading space news stories during the year and what to look for next year“.

** Wednesday, Dec.22.2021 – Hotel Mars – In this end of the year episode of Hotel Mars, John Batchelor and David Livingston

highlighted what we called out as top trends and guests during the year. John went for three trends including commercial activities, the ISS and SpaceX with Starship and Superheavy changing paradigms. I called out the guests we had on talking about what Earth would look like to a being on a distant exoplanet. In addition, I shouted out for Avi Loeb and his ET research regarding fast moving interstellar objects plus work only being tolerated due to his tenure status per his recent book which we discussed on Hotel Mars. Finally, I also shouted out for the commercial fusion industry and our fusion guest, Stephanie Thomas from Princeton Satellite Systems. This Hotel Mars program was one segment timing out at about 10.5 minutes.

** Tuesday, Dec.21.2021Andrew Chanin of ProcureAM and the UFO ETF talked about

Commercial space investing summary for 2021, 2022 investing predictions, China and U.S. space policy, the China space race, Exchange Traded Funds, U.S. Policy, space sector economic concerns, surge in space sector public companies and more.

** See also:
* The Space Show Archives
* The Space Show Newsletter
* The Space Show Shop

The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.

The Space Show - David Livingston
The Space Show – Dr. David Livingston

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