Here is the latest episode in NASA’s Space to Ground weekly report on activities related to the International Space Station:
** International Space Station Flyover of Hurricane Zeta – NASA
On Wed., Oct. 28, 2020, cameras aboard the International Space Station captured this imagery as the station flew above Hurricane Zeta, seen here moving toward the U.S Gulf Coast.
** #EZ Science: International Space Station – Our Home in Space for 20 Years – NASA
This November, we celebrate 20 years of continuous human presence on the International Space Station — an incredible example of international cooperation. In our latest episode of #EZScience, NASA associate administrator for science Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen and National Air and Space Museum director Dr. Ellen Stofan discuss the incredible science that has been conducted on the orbiting laboratory and what’s next for human spaceflight. Learn more about the series:
** International Space Station Expedition 1: The Beginning – NASA
In recognition of the 20th anniversary of continuous human presence aboard the International Space Station, listen as Space Foundation board member Jeanne Meserve sits down with the Expedition 1 crew, William Shepherd (NASA astronaut and Commander of Expedition 1), Sergei Krikalev (Russian cosmonaut and Flight Engineer of Expedition 1), and Yuri Gidzenko (Russian cosmonaut and Soyuz Commander of Expedition 1), as they discuss what it was like to be the first ever crewed expedition to the International Space Station. Also joining the conversation are George Abbey, who was director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center at the time, and Ginger Kerrick, the Russian Training Integration Instructor for Expedition 1.
** How does the International Space Station work? –Jared Owen
** Journey Into Night : Earth Seen From The International Space Station ISS
See also:
- ISS360: The Official Blog of the ISS National Lab
- International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory
- Space Station 20th: Expedition 1 Crew Launches | NASA
- 20 Breakthroughs from 20 Years of Science aboard the ISS | NASA
- Launchspace to test Debris Collection payload on ISS Bartolomeo platform – SpaceNews
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