A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest (find previous space policy roundups here):
- Schedule:
- NASA programs:
- Congressional space:
- NASA management:
- Commercial human spaceflight:
- Commercial space:
- Trump space:
- Space traffic:
- CubeSats Get Close: Proximity Operation with Interesting Implications | The Aerospace Corporation
- Satellites crowding low Earth orbits spark collision worries – The Washington Post
- Tracking off-the-books satellites with low perigees – The Space Review
- Pandemic won’t stop smallsat market takeoff to average 1,000 smallsats to be launched per year over 2020s | Euroconsult
- US states space:
- It’s Time To Launch Hawaii’s Aerospace Industry – Honolulu Civil Beat
- Spaceport amendment fails – The Brunswick News [Georgia]
- U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter tried to speed review of spaceport with amendment – Savannah Morning News/Savannah, GA
- Area north of Marquette chosen to be home to new space launch site, expected to create thousands of jobs – wnem.com
- Upper Peninsula named as Vertical Launch and Autonomous Vehicle testing site | WNMU-FM
- Preparing for launch – The Mining Journal
- US national security:
- Launch:
- Weapons in space:
- Arms Control in Outer Space: History and Prospects – Leonard David
- Arms Control in Outer Space: History and Prospects by Christopher Ford – Arms Control & Int. Security Papers, Vol.1, Num.12 – July 24.2020 (pdf)
- Raymond Asserts Russians Conducted ASAT Test Last Week – SpacePolicyOnline.com
- Russia Tests a Satellite That Rams Other Satellites, US Says – Defense One
- Sierra Nevada Wins DIU Contract For Experimental Space Station – Breaking Defense
- The US needs to take action to deter near-peer rivals in space – c4isrnet.com
- Space Force’s New Motto — Semper Supra – SpacePolicyOnline.com
- Where do Space Force and Space Command fit into the Pentagon’s cyber plans? – c4isrnet.com
International space
- China:
- U.S. and China to Launch Mars Missions, Vying for Space Supremacy – WSJ
- Commentary: China marching to Mars for humanity’s better shared future – Xinhua
- China successfully launches first Mars mission – Xinhua
- China Focus: China’s first Mars mission faces unprecedented challenges – Xinhua
- China’s newly-launched satellite to boost surveying, mapping capabilities – Xinhua
- Europe:
- India:
- Italy:
- Japan:
- Japan’s first space force commander on his squadron’s role, and Gundam: Interview – The Mainichi
- Help Japanese space industry grow by promoting private development – The Japan News
- Australia and Japan strengthen space collaborations – SpaceWatch.Global
- Why Japan is emerging as NASA’s most important space partner | MIT Technology Review
- Russia:
- Russia says satellite tests created no threats in outer space – TASS
- SPACECOM Calls Out Apparent Russian Space Weapon Test – Air Force Magazine
- Raymond Asserts Russians Conducted ASAT Test Last Week – SpacePolicyOnline.com
- Russia just tested satellite-destroying tech in space, US Space Command claims – The Verge
- Russia to refit Vostochny spaceport for crewed launches – SpaceWatch.Global
- Russia and China likely to build joint Moon base – Roscosmos chief – TASS
- Serbia:
- Emiratis over the moon about launch of Hope Probe to Mars – GulfToday
- UAE joins elite space race nations as Mars probe makes first contact – The National
- First Mars mission from UAE aims to inspire a new generation of space scientists | National Geographic
- UAE Mars mission: extraordinary feat shows how space exploration can benefit small nations
- Why the UAE’s Hope Mars Orbiter is really a US mission for UAE’s students | Behind The Black
- Emirates launches first Mars probe with help from UC Berkeley – Berkeley News
- UK:
** Episode 21 July 15th Russian Co-Orbital ASAT Test – Michael Listner, Space Law & Policy Solutions
Preliminary thoughts on the orbital ASAT test performed by the Russian Federation on July 15th.
** Space ethics explainer: What are the restrictions for outer space travel? – Afternoons – ABC Radio
As more nations send satellites and missions into the galaxy, new questions about space ethics are being raised.
Advances in space technology potentially open up whole new worlds for humans to explore.
But what are the rules to prevent those technologies from having negative outcomes in the cosmos.
Associate Professor of Ethics and Leadership at UNSW Canberra, Dr Stephen Coleman spoke to ABC Radio Canberra’s Paula Kruger about some of the difficult questions regarding space travel.
** Space Café WebTalk Recap: Niklas Hedman on Space Multilateralism – SpaceWatch.Global
In this week’s Space Cafè WebTalk, Niklas Hedman, Chief of the Committee, Policy and Legal Affairs Section of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in Vienna talked about the governance phases under the 60 year history of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) and the “New Frontier” with increasing governance, commercial and scientific interests in planetary exploration, space resources, and planetary protection. The talk addressed the role of multilateralism in this “New Frontier” Era.
** E25 – What is Planetary Protection and Why Should We Care (Meg Abraham and Bhavya Lal) – Aerospace CSPS on Vimeo
** Michael Maloney – The Space Traffic Management Phantom – Cold Star Technologies – YouTube
Michael Maloney of Satellite Design for Recovery returns to the Cold Star Project, and we’re continuing our discussion of the problems in space traffic management. While many people think STM is already figured out, the truth is this is a phantom idea. Current systems are cobbled together and do not represent a serious solution to the problem. With host Jason Kanigan, Michael discusses:
– what space traffic management is and why we need it – how we can measure capacity and utilization in STM
– why Air Traffic Control can be used as a model in developing a functional STM solution
– what limits there are in executing a Space Traffic Management program
– a future path to STM including better Space Situational Awareness, mitigation of space debris, and timely remediation.
Satellite Design for Recovery website: https://satdfr.org/
** The Space Show – Sun. July.26.2020 – Dr. Michael Gleason of the Aerospace Corp talked about his new paper, The Value of Space.
** The Space Show – Fri. July.24.2020 – Steven Wolfe discussed “space settlement, the new Beyond Earth Institute and more on the settlement issue”.
** The Space Show – Mon. July.20.2020 – Rand Simberg “was welcomed back for a two segment 91 minute discussion about Apollo 11 and the entire Apollo program, the significance of the ceremony he and others created, Evoloterra (evoloterra.com) plus a commercial space and property rights update”.
** July 21, 2020 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black
** July [25] 2020 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black
=== The Art of C. Sergent Lindsey ===