Space policy roundup – Sept.27.2019

A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest (find previous space policy roundups here):


** Mission Eve: Episode 0103: Taylor Winkleman

Taylor Winkleman is a Senior Consultant at LMI and is a vocal advocate for comprehensive space policy in Washington D.C. However, when Taylor was about to graduate high school, she had no clue what she wanted to do with her life. From becoming a linguist in the Army to briefly practicing as a licensed veterinarian, Taylor’s self-defined circuitous path has equipped her to be a vital space advocate for policy that will help lead Earthlings to the stars.

** The Space Show – Tue, 09/24/2019Dr. Anahita Modiriasari talked about “Lunar and to a lesser degree Martian lava tubes” and “lava tube characteristics, qualities, sizes, uses, and more”.

** September 24, 2019 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black