Space policy roundup – Aug.30.2019

A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest (find previous space policy roundups here):


** The Space Show – Tue, 08/27/2019Dr. Jeff Foust talked about “Multiple timely and current events in the private, commercial and public space sectors. Our discussion topics reflected the excitement in today’s growing space industry”.

** The Space Show – Sun, 08/25/2019John Bucknell discussed “Nuclear thermal propulsion, chemical propulsion, space solar power (SSP), the commercial case for SSP and more”.

** Do we need a Global Space Agency?  – TMRO

We chat to Kathy Laurini, Chair of the International Space Exploration Coordination Group, about how space agencies can work together to help humanity explore space, and how collaboration leads to better ideas and better missions.



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