A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest:
- Schedule:
- Space views:
- Space rules & regulations:
- Orbital debris:
- US military space:
- CBO: HASC ‘Space Corps’ To Cost $3.6 Billion Through 2024 – Breaking Defense
- The purpose of a Space Force is a spacefaring economy | TheHill
- Air Force to continue to push back on proposed space launch legislation – SpaceNews.com
- Air Force preparing for space reorganization as Senate advances NDAA – SpaceNews.com
- U.S. Space Command’s major components will be based in California and Colorado – SpaceNews.com
- International Space
- Australia:
- Canada:
- China:
- Europe:
- India:
- Russia:
- UK:
** The Space Show – Sun, 06/23/2019 – Loren Grush, space reporter at The Verge, discussed “the upcoming Falcon Heavy STP 2 launch, commercial, getting to and from the Moon, millennials and space, China, aerospace engineering, space journalism, women in space fields, green propellant and so very much more”.
** The Space Show/Hotel Mars – Wed, 06/26/2019 – Alan Boyle talked with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston about “the possible sale of Stratolaunch due to the recent death of Paul Allen”.
** The Space Show – Fri, 06/28/2019 – Charles Fishman talked about his new book, One Giant Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon.
** Hera: ESA’s planetary defence mission – ESA
** June 25, 2019 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black
** June 27, 2019 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black
The Case for Space:
How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up
a Future of Limitless Possibility