Space policy roundup – March.6.2019

A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest:


** Space Policy Edition: When a (Space) Cowboy Came to Washington | The Planetary Society

Historian John Logsdon discusses his new book, Ronald Reagan and the Space Frontier. It explores the legacy of the 40th president’s major space policy decisions. We look at four major topics: early efforts at commercializing space, the survival crisis for planetary exploration, the Space Shuttle, and the decision to build the space station. Casey also shares good news about NASA’s newest budget and how a battle between rocket companies could spell trouble for NASA’s Lucy mission.

** ISPCS 2018 – Development of Commercial Space Markets – Greg Autry – YouTube

Greg Autry, Assistant Professor of Clinical Entrepreneurship & Director of the Southern California Commercial Spaceflight Initiative at University of Southern California, presents his keynote “Public Private Partnerships Spur Development of Commercial Space Markets and Returns to Earth Economy.”

** “Breaking the Cost Curve:  Applying Lessons Learned from the James Webb Space Telescope Development” – Lee Feinberg, NASA GSFC – FISO Seminar – February 27, 2019. Slides (pdf)

** February 28, 2019 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black

** The Space Show – Sun, 03/03/2019 – David Livingston hosted an open lines discussion with show listeners.


Sunburst and Luminary: An Apollo Memoir