A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest:
- NASA lunar programs:
- Protecting lunar historical sites:
- Commercial Crew Program:
- International Space Station:
- US Defense space:
- Canadian space:
- Chinese space:
- Ethiopian space
- Euro space:
- Russian space:
** The Space Show – Sun, 02/24/2019 – Linda Plush, Executive Director of the Space Nursing Society, discussed human spaceflight medical challenges.
** Episode T+111: SpaceX, the Established Launch Provider – Main Engine Cut Off – “A tale of politics, protests, and contracts tells the story of how SpaceX is in transition—and maybe has already transitioned—from a scrappy upstart to an established launch provider.”.
** Episode 1104: Mars Done? – “After examining the current launch log book and going over some significant breaking news with the Mars Exploration Rover Mission and NASA’s current lunar aspirations, the team discusses the latest findings from the New Horizons mission. We then celebrate the naming of the European Space Agency’s Exomars mission rover. The ExoMars set for a 2020 launch attempt will be called the Rosalind Franklin after the British chemist who helped discover the true nature of the structure of Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Is the Mars One colonization effort finished after its bankruptcy filingor is it simply attempting to respawn? The team does its best to find out. In the final segment, Mark Ratterman observes the passing of one of the Apollo Program’s unsung heroes and we ask help in seeking out anyone who may have had an impact on Apollo’s success to tell their story on the program. We also mark the untimely passing of space flight historian and good friend, Kate Doolan. ”
** February 22, 2019 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black
** Weekly Space Hangout: Feb 20, 2019: Dr. Emily Holt talks Archaeology and Ancient Astronomy
The Space Barons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the Quest to Colonize the Cosmos