Boeing is sponsoring the GoFly Prize
We’re calling on all inventors and doers to make human flight a reality by building the world’s first personal flying device for anyone, anywhere. Over the next two years, teams will compete to win $2,000,000 in prizes, creating revolutionary technology and accessing the top minds in aerospace.
(Full announcement is at GoFly Launches Competition to Bring Personal Flying Devices to the Masses: Boeing to Sponsor $2 Million, Two-Year International Incentive Competition – Boeing (pdf)).
There are certainly no shortage of individuals and companies building such devices:
** Woman Flying on a drone
** Kalashnikov Unveils Flying ‘Hovercycle’ – Popular Science [Update: Original video taken down. This one has similar footabge of the Hovercycle.]
** Flyboard Air Flight Demo (Flyboard)
** Dubai starts tests in bid to become first city with flying taxis (Volocopter)
** Kitty Hawk Flyer San Francisco Flight-Test, June 10, 2017 (Kitty Hawk)
** Series 1 Jetpack Manned Flying August 2017 (Martin Jetpack)
** Guy builds working hoverbike in garage (Flyt Aerospace)
[ Update:
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