Update on the Arkyd space telescope Kickstarter campaign

The Planetary Resources fund-raising for the ARKYD public access space telescope has reached 10,350 Backers and $916,582 pledged towards the $1,000,000 goal with 12 days to go. That’s a tremendous accomplishment for a space Kickstarter campaign but it actually seems a bit disappointing considering how fast the pledges were coming in during the first couple weeks. It looks like they will have to work hard just to make sure they reach the $1.0M goal, much less meet their $2M stretch goal to fund exoplanet searches.

Kickstarter campaigns often have a surge in the final few days as efforts intensify to meet the deadline. So it’s still likely they will beat the $1M goal and it will be interesting to see how far past it they get.

Follow their money raising rate at ARKYD: A Space Telescope for Everyone by Planetary Resources :: Kicktraq.


Spacevidcast 6.17: Not because it’s easy

The latest Spacevidcast show is now available online: Not Because it’s Easy – Spacevidcast Live 6.17 – Spacevidcast


 First off, you can grab George’s book, “Not because it’s easy” on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Not-Because-Eas…

The ARKYD Kickstarter can be found here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1…

The wiki article for this episode can be found here: http://wiki.spacevidcast.com/en/6.17

In Space News we have China’s Shenzhou-10 launch and docking, ATV-4 docking, sending your own message to space, Planetary Resources and Congress has no love for NASA asteroid missions.

George Schellenger joins us to talk about his new book and gangs around in After Dark to also talk about Project Blue Pride.

Spacevidcast is a live weekly show all about space and the comsos. Covering major events from NASA, ESA, JAXA, Roscosmos, SpaceX and more, Spacevidcast is your weekly news and views show for every space geek! Tune in live each Saturday at 21:00 UTC / 2:00 pm PDT / 5:00pm EDT and be a part of the community that helps make our live shows amazing. Or simply subscribe to the Spacevidcast channel on YouTube and get your Space Geek on each week!


Sci-Tech: KONE UltraRope makes sky-scraping skyscrapers feasible

KONE Elevators of Finland has developed a super-strong, lightweight carbon fiber based cables that allow for much higher skyscrapers and are the first step towards fibers capable of space elevators: Lifts and skyscrapers: The other mile-high club: A new lightweight lift cable will let buildings soar ever upward – The Economist.

See also KONE UltraRope – The benchmark in high-rise technology and innovation