All posts by TopSpacer

NASA’s ambitious deep Midwest program

NASA is serious about a Cleveland mission. Shouldn’t they start with Jacksonville? Been there, done that : NASA Announces Plans To Put Man On Bus To Cleveland – The Onion – America’s Finest News Source (via Behind The Black).

Of course, this mission cannot be carried out with a commercial bus but only with NASA’s $20B SBS (Senate Bus System). NASA has many studies to confirm this.

Video: A day at the FAR Mojave test site

The Friends of Amateur Rocketry (FAR) posted the video below showing highlights of activities at their Mojave test site on Saturday May, 4th. These activities included:

 the launch of a high power sugar fueled rocket and the first successful static firing of a 6″ rocket motor for the Sugar Shot to Space project (the previous two motor tests resulted in CATOs.

NASA Lunabotics Mining Competition on May 20-24 at KSC

NASA posts an update on the Lunabotics Mining Competition for students:

NASA Invites Media to Annual Lunabotics Mining Competition

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Fifty teams of undergraduate and graduate students from around the world will demonstrate their lunar excavator robots May 20 – 24 at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Practice sessions for the fourth annual Lunabotics Mining Competition will take place May 20 – 21, followed by the official competition. Media representatives are invited to cover the event on Wednesday, May 22 from 12 – 4 p.m. EDT, at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. For access to the facility, journalists should contact Catherine Segar at 321-449-4273 or Requests for interviews with NASA representatives must be submitted to Tracy Young at 321-867-2468 or

The teams have designed and built remote controlled or autonomous robots that can excavate simulated lunar dirt. During the competition, the teams’ designs — known as lunabots — will go head-to-head to determine which machine can collect and move the most simulated lunar dirt within a specific amount of time.

The competition is a NASA Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate project designed to engage and retain students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields by expanding opportunities for student research and design. The project provides a competitive environment to foster innovative ideas and solutions that could potentially be applied to future NASA missions.

Although the competition is for college students, the event offers many opportunities for students of all ages. NASA is hosting a college recruitment fair for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors showcasing STEM education opportunities available at top colleges and universities across the nation.

For more information on Lunabotics 2013, associated activities and social media links to participate virtually, visit:

Video highlights of the practice and competition will air on the NASA Television Video File. For downlink information, schedules and links to streaming video, visit:

For information about the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, visit: