The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week:
1. Monday, Mar. 1, 2021; 7 pm PDT (9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT: No program today.
2. Tuesday, Mar. 2, 2021; 7 pm PDT (9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT): We welcome back Dr. Christopher Morrison for an update on nuclear propulsion developments.
3. Wednesday, Mar. 3 2021: Hotel Mars TBA pre-recorded. See upcoming show menu on the home page for program details.
4. Thursday, Mar. 4, 2021; 7-8:30 pm PDT (9-10:30 pm CDT, 10-11:30 pm EDT): We welcome James Burk to discuss the Mars Society‘s project: MarsVR – Virtual Reality for Mars Exploration. [See also: Mars Society Launches New Indiegogo Crowdfunding for MarsVR Project to Support Humans-to-Mars – The Mars Society.]
5. Friday, Mar.5, 2021; 9:30-11 am PDT (11:30 am-1 pm CDT, 12:30-2 pm EDT): We welcome back Dr. Clive Neal from Notre Dame to talk about astronauts on the Moon, lunar ice, planetary protection and lots more.
6. Sunday, Mar.7, 2021; 12-1:30 pm PDT (3-4:30 pm EDT, 2-3:30 pm CDT): We welcome back space attorney Dr. Mark J. Sundahl with co-author Tanja (T.L.) Masson-Zwaan to talk about Lunar Legal Landscape Challenges, Opportunities and more.
Some recent shows:
** Sunday, Feb.28.2021 – Open lines program welcomed discussion of topics suggested by listeners. “Robert Jacobson started us off with his commercial space update. We then took multiple calls from callers on lots of subjects including space settlement, children and childbirth for space settlement, Mars, Moon and much more.”
** Hotel Mars – The Space Show/John Batchelor Show – Wed. Feb.24,2021 – John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston “discussed the latest Mars rover, Perseverance, the landing, the parachute message and more“.
**Tuesday, Feb.23.2021– Dr. Haym Benaroya and Rohith Dronadula of Rutgers University discussed the potential of hybrid lunar inflatable structures:
** See also:
* The Space Show Archives
* The Space Show Newsletter
* The Space Show Shop
The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.

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