Category Archives: Activism

Two blogs that point to more ways to space

I recently mentioned Pam Hoffman‘s blog Everyday Spacer, which urges you to “Take Part in Space Exploration Today!”

Another blog that focus on broad public participation in space activities is Path to Mars from artist Renate Pohl. She provides “1001 ways to get to space without being a rocket scientist”.

She also offers a free newsletter and 35 page booklet titled, Blast Off! An Action Plan to Get You to Space.

The Space Show: John Hunter and gas guns + An open lines show

John Hunter spoke on the Space Show on Monday about “hydrogen gas gun technology and capability, microwave propulsion for delivering cargo”: Dr. John Hunter, Monday, 2-18-13 – Thespaceshow’s Blog.


David and callers discussed in an Open Lines show last night a range of topics that included “Carnival Cruise lines & informed consent, space radiation, nanosat launchers, & much more” : Open Lines, Tuesday, 2-19-13 – Thespaceshow’s Blog

Asteroids and Congress + Space law roundup + Open lines on The Space Show

Politics and asteroids: Lawmakers: Not spacey to study asteroids – Breanna Edwards/

Res Communis posts the latest collection of space and aviation law, regulation and policy links: Library: A Round-up of Reading.

Talk space policy on The Space Show tonight:  Twitter / SpaceShow:

Open Lines tonight,7-9 PM PST (10 PM -12:00 AM EST). Space/Stem topics OK. Listen @ . Call 1-866-687-7223


Alan Stern and naming exoplanets

Alan Stern, former head of the New Horizons mission to Pluto and former head of NASA space science division, is also involved in several commercial ventures, including Uwingu, which aims to raise money for space science projects via profit making products and services. The first Uwingu service invites the public to suggest names for the many planets that are being found orbiting other stars. The names selected will not be official or binding but the activity can still be fun for the public. Stern talks with New Scientist about  Uwingu and exoplanet naming: We need to rethink how we name exoplanets – New Scientist.