B612 Foundation update on NEO projects + Video of Rusty Schweickart talk at NASA Ames

Here’s the latest newsletter from the B612 Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting earth from a the disaster of a large asteroid or comet impact on earth : Sentinel and Beyond: The Sentinel Mission Newsletter! Vol. 15.

The Sentinel Mission is their plan to fund privately a spacecraft specialized for observing and counting all the near earth asteroids.

Below is a video of a recent talk by former Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart on

the status of the global efforts to protect life on the planet from the devastation of large asteroid impacts and about our prospects of avoiding the same fate as the dinosaurs.

Int. Space Elevator Consortium update

The Int. Space Elevator Consortium posts the latest update: ISEC eNewsletter – September 2014

In this issue’s President’s Corner, ISEC President Dr. Peter Swan challenges readers to provide input on why humanity wants and needs a space elevator.  We also provide the first entry to this challenge, this from Art Dula of the Heinlein Prize Trust….

… This eNewsletter also lets you know about (not one but) two Kickstarter campaigns, aimed at raising money to finalize documentaries about the space elevator – we encourage you to visit the Kickstarter sites and financially support one or both of these worthy campaigns.  And, due to popular demand, the ISEC reports are now available in electronic (pdf) format – this eNewsletter shows you how to order your own copies

Update: An item in the Wash Post discusses the state of the material science for making tethers capable of implementing a space elevator: The space elevator: Extreme science fiction that’s still a long way from science fact – The Washington Post