The guests and topics on The Space Show this week:
1. Monday, Dec. 1, 2014: 2:00-3:30PM PST (5:00-& 6:30 PM EST, 4:00-5:30 PM CST): We welcome back DENNIS WINGO. Read his latest blog posts at
2. Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014:,7-8:30 PM PST (10-11:30 PM EST, 9-10:30 PM CST): We welcome MATT WALLACE of JPL and Mars 2020 to the show. We will be discussing upcoming and future Mars programs.
3. Friday, Dec. 5, 2014, 9:30 -11 AM PST (12:30-2 PM EST; 11:30-1 PM CST): We welcome CHRIS NEWMAN in the UK to the show to discuss the current state of the UK Space Industry, the position of the UK within ESA and the broader world space community and also on future developments that the UK is seeking to be involved with regarding space. Mr. Newman is a Reader in Law at the University of Sunderland, and head of Legal Research within the Faculty of Business and Law.
4. Sunday, Dec. 7 2014, 12-1:30 PM PST (3-4:30 PM EST, 2-3:30 PM CST): We welcome back DR. BRUCE CORDELL to discuss current space matters in the context of Maslow Windows and more.
See also:
/– The Space Show on Vimeo – webinar videos
/– The Space Show’s Blog – summaries of interviews.
/– The Space Show Classroom Blog – tutorial programs
The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.