A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest:
- Moon missions:
- NASA/Commercial partnerships
- NASA planetary space:
- Space regulation
- US military space:
- Asian space:
- Canadian space:
- Chinese space:
- Japanese space:
- Luxembourgian space:
- Russian space:
- UK space:
- UK will not use EU’s Galileo for defence, key infrastructure post-Brexit – May | Reuters
- Brexit: UK to build own satellite system after May rules out using EU’s Galileo project – Sky.com
- UK plans for satellite navigation system in doubt after Brexit – Sky.com
- UK may never recover £1.2bn invested in EU Galileo satellite system | Politics | The Guardian
- Policy resources:
** Property Rights – Rand Simberg – 21st Annual International Mars Society Convention
** A Political History of the Human Mission to Mars Goal in the U.S. – Lou Friedman (Emeritus, The Planetary Society) – FISO
** Heritage Management: Preservation and Property on the Moon – Michelle Hanlon , Center for Remote Sensing, Air & Space Law at the University of Mississippi, For All Moonkind – FISO
Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto