Category Archives: Space Settlement

Videos: Mars Society conference presentations

Videos of a dozen or so presentations at last week’s Mars Society conference are now available in the The Mars Society YouTube channel. (There are also videos with the complete daily live streams from the conference as in the earlier post.) Here is a sampling of the talks:

** Dr. Robert Zubrin – Opening Remarks:

** George Whitesides – CEO, Virgin Galactic:

** Loretta Hildalgo-Whitesides – Astrobiologist, space advocate, co-creator of Yuri’s Night, the World Space Party:

** Greg Benford – Legendary Sci-Fi Author:

** Vera Mulyani – CEO, Mars City Design:


Space Studies Institute giving away Kindle versions of Gerard K. O’Neill’s ‘2081’ and ‘The High Frontier’

The late Princeton physics professor Gerard K. O’Neill was a major influence on many space development activists and entrepreneurs. For example, as O’Neill advocated, Jeff Bezos sees millions of people living in large in-space colonies and heavy industries moved off earth and into space: Jeff Bezos blue origin calls for a dynamic entrepreneurial space – CNBC

“The Stanford Torus – This space habitat design resulted from a NASA-Ames/Stanford University summer study. It’s a wheel 1.1 miles in diameter.” More space colony artwork.

The Space Studies Institute was founded by O’Neill and this week is offering free Kindle versions of two of O’Neill’s books:

** Right Now 2081 and The High Frontier are FREE | Space Studies Institute:

We broke the news yesterday for SSI Associates to get their jump start and now it’s open for everyone:

For a limited time The Space Studies Institute is giving away the Kindle editions of Gerard K. O’Neill’s 2081 and The High Frontier for free!

2081, an amazing look at the future rising around us, and The High Frontierthe cornerstone book of the NewSpace generation, are both regularly priced at $6.99 USD but right now they are  online around the planet for free download from the websites and Kindle stores.

SSI President Gary C Hudson shows the evolution of reading… as predicted in the book 2081

For details on 2081, just jump down to the previous SSI Blog postand as for The High Frontier, well, if you haven’t heard of it then it’s time you laid the right foundation in your Space education.

Gerard K. O’Neill’s The High Frontier is a landmark book.  A stunning, readable treatise.

Space is the place where there are no limits  and where benefits to ALL of Humanity – everywhere – are free for the using with no need to harm anyone.

Sound far fetched? Sound naively Utopian and absolutely unachievable? Until a person actually reads The High Frontier for themselves, they should be careful about jumping to conclusions.

In The High Frontier, Princeton Nuclear Physicist Gerard K. O’Neill asks the famous question:

“Is a planetary surface, any planetary surface,
really the best place for an expanding technological civilization?”

And then he systematically looks at what it means for a civilization to expand, what such a civilization truly needs for real positive growth, and finds that all of those requirements and more are in no way out of reach.

Professor O’Neill makes this book of real science and real technology readable by most everyone by using fascinating “Letters From Space” followed by clear explanations of the hows and whys.  O’Neill was a world-renowned scientist but he had the gift to make even the most technical information completely understandable.

If you’ve never personally read 2081 and The High Frontier, you are in for a truly amazing experience. If you haven’t read them in a while then now is a great time to refresh your memories!

To get your free copies, log into your account using your web browser or start the Kindle Store in your Kindle app or device to search for the “O’Neill Kindle 2081″ and “O’Neill Kindle The High Frontier”

Read on your Android, iOS or Windows Phone while in line at the grocery then pick up where you left off while relaxing at home with your tablet then start right up again on your Kindle Fire, Voyager or DX and even steal a few minutes at work using the Kindle program on your full Mac or Windows PC.

Pass the word!

The Space Studies Institute is giving away the Kindle editions of Gerard K. O’Neill’s 2081 and The High Frontier.

Twitter the news, Blog it, Facebook it, email it, spread the word and do it today!

** Gerard K. O’Neill’s 2081 is now an SSI Kindle Book! | Space Studies Institute:

Gerard K. O’Neill’s hopeful book of the human future, 2081, is now an SSI Kindle release!

What is 2081?

Gerard K. O’Neill’s The High Frontier is a classic of the Space Industry. World famous, it has been called “the book that launched a thousand Space careers.” 2081 may be lesser known but, believe us, it is no less fascinating or important. Here is the description we have put on the Kindle edition Amazon page:

E Ink slate tablets instead of paper books, grocery stores that let you check out without stopping for a cashier, instant as-needed delivery of any item by intelligent systems, electric cars that go where you tell them without your having to pay attention, super-fast and silent underground public transportation that people actually enjoy riding, whole communities enjoying island climates in the middle of snowy winters, working from home with all of the human interaction of going to a job, carts that politely follow you carrying your loads and ready to guide you when you’ve lost your way, houses that listen and are always ready to answer any question or organize any part of your life, cheap energy to fuel every device without adding to the carbon, heat or disposal issues of fossil and nuclear fuels. This is your world in 2081.

Princeton Nuclear Physicist Gerard K. O’Neill, most famous for revolutionizing high energy physics labs and particle accelerators with his invention of Storage Ring technologies, and for his view of the potential for thousands of regular people to enjoy satisfying and productive jobs and lives in Space, looked back at the history of looking forward, looked at the realities of where we were in 1981 and envisioned, logically, how regular people would be living in the year 2081. Some of the gadgets and infrastructure that he thought would take a hundred years are with us already, others are in the news today as being right around the corner and some are just waiting for smart people to understand the need for them and make them real parts of our daily lives.

“This book is in four parts. In the first, ‘The Art of Prophecy,’ we’ll explore in a pragmatic way the lessons that can be learned from the colorful history of earlier attempts at predicting the future. In the second, ‘The Drivers of Change,’ I’ll describe five developments that I believe will determine, alone and in combination, the course of the next hundred years. In the third part, ‘Life in 2081,’ I invite you to join me in a tour through the world in which our great-grandchildren will just be at their prime. In the fourth part, ‘Wild Cards,’ we’ll explore the most exciting developments of a century from now that are just at the limits of possibility – and some that are, perhaps, well beyond those limits.”

“It’s an exciting future that I’m predicting, even more different from the late twentieth-century than our own time is from 1881. Some people may be frightened rather than attracted by the prospect of so much change still to come. But we need not be afraid if we approach the future armed with understanding.”

“We have a responsibility beyond mere curiosity to learn as much about the future as we can, because we must choose those actions that will insure not only the survival of humanity, but an improvement in its condition.”

Gerard K. O’Neill

“Cities in Space 2017” student competition at New Worlds Conference, Nov.10-11, 2017, Austin, TX

An announcement from the STEAMSPACE™ Education Outreach program:

Future Space Pioneers Coming to Texas

Austin, Texas – July 5, 2017–More than seven hundred students and their teachers and mentors from around the world will come to Austin November 10th to present their innovative designs for off-world habitats and colonies.

It is the third annual “Cities in Space” competition and seminar that brings together tomorrow’s space colonists with NASA scientists, engineers and astronauts as well as NewSpace innovators and business leaders.

The “Cities in Space 2017” seminar and competition marks the first day of an annual conference that includes a Space Settlement Symposium by “” where government and private sector leaders come together to discuss the human settlement of space.

“We are one important part of a larger effort to see humans settle off-world by 2030,” said Holly Melear, founder and Executive Director of STEAMSPACE™ Education Outreach. “Our role is to introduce tomorrow’s off-world leaders to the brightest lights in space exploration today.”

Students competing will present detailed engineering and concept papers for off-world human habitation. Winners will be recognized, meet with NASA leaders and private sector space entrepreneurs, and see their designs carried to the lunar surface in a future flight aboard a lunar-lander now under development by Astrobotic, Inc.

“These extraordinary students will compete with each other, learn from each other and gain entry into one of the most exclusive clubs on Earth—those determined to see humans prosper in space and on other worlds.” Said Amos Behana, Director of Operations for STEAMSPACE™

The New Worlds Conference and Space Settlement Seminar, which hosts the Cities in Space 2017 competition and conference, is a two day event held at the Renaissance Hotel and Conference Center in Austin, Texas on November 10 and 11th.

Media representative are welcome to attend and encouraged to get in touch in advance of the event.

Space Cowboy Ball 2017 | New Worlds 2017 Fair and Conference

Video: TMRO Orbit 10.20 – Paving the way to the Moon

Here is the latest episode of

CEO of WayPaver Foundation Michael Mealling joins us to talk about what they are doing to remove obstacles in the way of lunar exploration and settlement.

Space news topics covered:

Rocket Lab launches 1st Electron rocket
Jupiter Surprises in First Juno Data Release
ISS News – A Spacewalk and a Homecoming
Third Detection of a Gravitational Wave
Spaceplane News – A Stratolaunch, A Dreamchaser, and a Unity

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TMRO:Space is a crowd funded show. If you like this episode consider contributing to help us to continue to improve. Head over to for information, goals and reward levels.