Michael Potter and Joe
Carroll discuss the Orphans
of Apollo film and the plan mentioned
in the film about using an electrodynamic tether to
boost Mir to higher orbit.
- Welcome remarks
- Showing of the film Orphans
of Apollo.
- I was without my laptop for this initial event and
just wrote some notes down.
- Bob
Richards began with an introduction to the
Michael Potter who in turn introduced the film.
- After the film, there were some comments and
a Q&A by film maker Michael Potter, space
investor Tom
Olson, space tether expert Joe
- Tom Olson read a statement from Walt
- Joe Carroll talked about the plans discussed
in the film to use an electrodynamic tether to
boost Mir to a higher orbit. Tough the tether
did not get through the ITAR process until the
day that it was announced that Mir would be deorbited,
but Carroll thought it was a coincidence rather
than a conspiracy.
- One of the conclusions Potter came away from
making the film was that 'politics always wins".
Henry Vanderbilt and Rand Simberg at the party following
showing of the Orphans of Apollo film.