Rainn Wilson and Peter Diamandis to have Cosmic Debate in Google hangout

Here’s a message from Peter Diamandis and Planetary Resources:

Actor Rainn Wilson (aka Dwight Schrute from The Office) and Peter Diamandis (aka “me”) will square off on a COSMIC DEBATE:

TopicTo Search for Alien Planets or Not…

Rainn’s point of view: This is very dangerous business – If we find them, will they come and attack us?
Peter’s point of view: An Abundance of resources and opportunity awaits!

JOIN US!  This will be FUN & very educational.

When:   Tuesday, June 25th, 1:30pm PT
Where:  http://bit.ly/14qPfay — Google Hangout, follow our G+ for the live YouTube link just before Tues, 1:30pm PT.

In addition to the Alien Planet debate… Rainn & Peter will discuss:

  • Pros/Cons of moving to an asteroid
  • Precautions to take before giving Rainn control of the ARKYD Space Telescope
  • Rainn’s plans for cosmic domination
Join us… this will be an important viewing for any Earthling.

Best wishes,
Peter H. Diamandis
Co-Founder, Co-Chairman, Planetary Resources
Advocate for Alien Planet Research