State U. at Long Beach - Aerospace Engineering
Succesful firing on June 23, 2003 of a liquid fueled
aerospike engine
built by students at Cal.
State University at Long Beach Aerospace
Engineering in collaboration with Garvey
here describe news and developments in advanced amateur
and student rocketry, experimental rocketry, and innovations
at small entrepreneurial rocket companies.
See the Advanced
Rocketry section
for links and resources in these areas and be sure to
check out the Records,
Achievments & Competitions section.
News section also overlaps with this section,
especially with regard to the X
PRIZE competition. See RLV
Countdown for links to suborbital and X PRIZE
projects by small organizations.
18, 2006
CalPoly rocketry... Californai
Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo has
quite an active rocket development program in its Cal
Poly Space Systems group. See the list of Projects
and lots of Pictures
and Video from their rocket flights and engine tests.
25 , 2006
Stratofox update ... Ian
Kluft gave a report at the recent Space
Access ' 06 meeting on the activities of the Stratofox
Tracking and Recovery team: Presentation
Slides from Stratofox presentation at Space Access 2006.
He also sent this list of upcoming projects:
- We'll be at the UP
Aerospace launch in NM. Last we heard is it's
expected to be some time in July. The final date depends
on the NM spaceport construction progress.
- We'll be at AeroPAC's
HPR launches at Black Rock whenever they're trying
100K shots. AeroPAC's launches are June 14-16 "MudRock",
Aug 4-6 "Aeronaut", and Sept 22-24 "XPRS".
- Of course To100K
is the official club project to attempt a 100,000ft
record, as you saw in my presentation.
- Another group of AeroPAC members call themselves
the "99K Team" since they're trying for the same thing
but don't want to act intimidating. :-) It's a friendly
- The Stratofox WiFi-Net project will begin this
year. We already have the equipment thanks to a sponsor.
But it'll still take some effort to locate contacts
with a permanent Internet link on the valley floor
in Reno.
1, 2006
briefs ... Check out the liquid fueled,
regeneratively cooled rocket engine development at Robert's
Rocket Project. ...
... Garvey
Spacecraft posted an update on progress and plans
for the Garvey/CSULB program: Static
Fire Testing, Prospector 6B, Prospector 7 - Garvey Spacecraft
- Nov.26.05 ...
... The Prospector
7 rocket, built by Garvey
Spacecraft and a group at Cal
State Long Beach, flew twice last November, demonstrating
a turnaround time of just 3.5 hours. Check out the videos
Successful Demonstration of RLV-type Operations - CSULB
- November 30, 2005
to December 2005