A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest (find previous space policy roundups here):
- Artemis lunar program:
- NASA projects:
- NASA commercial crew:
- Commercial space:
- Spectrum:
- Satellite tracking:
- Space debris:
- Planetary protection:
- US states space:
- US military space:
- Space Solar Power Beaming: Air Force Project Moves Forward – Leonard David
- No Space Force in Inhofe’s Skinny NDAA – SpacePolicyOnline.com
- Space companies to compete for $40 million pot at Air Force live pitch event – SpaceNews.com
- GAO report critical of Air Force space command and control program – SpaceNews.com
- Air Force claims accomplishments in Space C2 program in wake of critical report – SpaceNews.com
- Missile Defense Agency selects four companies to develop space sensors – SpaceNews.com
- International space
- Bangladesh:
- China:
- Poland:
- Russia:
- Turkey:
- UAE:
- UK:
- Viet Nam:
** Commercial Crew Presentation at NASA NAC Meeting (10/30/2019) – NASA Spaceflight
Kathy Lueders, the Program Manager for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, provides an update at the Oct. 30 NAC meeting on the status of Boeing’s Starliner and SpaceX’s Crew Dragon. The two spacecraft will carry astronauts to the Space Station.
** Debate on NASA’s Proposed Gateway – 22nd Annual International Mars Society Conference
Debate on NASA’s proposed Lunar Orbital Gateway space station and the possible approaches to America’s return to the Moon.
Dr. Robert Zubrin – President, The Mars Society
Greg Autry – Director, SoCal Commercial Spaceflight Center
** Hotel Mars – Wed, 10/30/2019 with John Batchelor, Dr. David Livingston – William Harwood of CBS News talks about NASA’s Artemis lunar program.
** October 29, 2019 Zimmerman/Batchelor podcast | Behind The Black
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