[ Update: What’s Up: Skywatching Tips from NASA – NASA Solar System Exploration
What are some skywatching highlights you can see in July 2020? Enjoy the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn with their moons, stay up late to spot Mars rising. Plus: what would you see stargazing on the Red Planet? Additional information about topics covered in this episode of What’s Up, along with still images from the video, and the video transcript, are available at https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/whats-up….
** Tonight’s Sky: July – Space Telescope Science Institute
In July, find the Scorpius constellation to identify the reddish supergiant Antares, which will lead you to discover a trio of globular star clusters. Keep watching for space-based views of these densely packed, spherical collections of ancient stars, as well as three nebulas: the Swan Nebula, the Lagoon Nebula, and the Trifid Nebula.
** What’s in the Night Sky July 2020 #WITNS | Lunar Eclipse | Milky Way | NLCs – Alyn Wallace
** What to see in the night sky: July 2020 – BBC Sky at Night Magazine
What can you see in the night sky this month? Astronomers Pete Lawrence and Paul Abel reveal their stargazing tips for July 2020.
** July 2020: Rare Astronomical Events (Best Month for Stargazers) –
July is the best month for Stargazers! Watch the video to know why. Music: Stratosphere by Adam Vitovsky
** Skywatch: What’s happening in the heavens in July – The Washington Post
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