Kristian von Bengtson of Copenhagen Suborbitals reports on the latest work with the Tycho Deep Space II capsule development: Launch Escape System and Scaled Model Testing – Wired Science/
Tomorrow, Monday 25, at 10AM EST / 10PM Copenhagen time I will be doing another Reddit Ask Me Anything session, together with Cameron Smith . The topics is space suit, life support and general human factors related to capsule and suit work at Copenhagen Suborbitals. Stay tuned for link!
I mentioned yesterday that Copenhagen Suborbitals will partner with DIY space suit builder Cameron M. Smith on a suit for their suborbital space vehicle. Smith, an anthropologist at Portland State University, has now posted at Wired about how he came to design and build space suits: Guest Blog: Dr. Cameron M. Smith and His DIY Suit – Wired Science/ .
Kristian von Bengtson of Copenhagen Suborbitals reports on designing the launch escape system (LES) for Tycho Deep Space II and the “monster DIY rocket” on which it will launch: First Look at the Giant Copenhagen Suborbitals Rocket – Wired Science/ .
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