The Space Show this week – Jan.4.2021

The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week:

1. Monday, Jan. 4, 2021; 7 pm PDT (9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT: No program today.

2. Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021; 7 pm PDT (9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT): We welcome back Trent Tresch with Kai Staats to discuss the SAM (Space Analog for the Moon and Mars) project. See the blog and upcoming show menu for more details.

3. Wednesday, Jan.6, 2021: Hotel Mars TBA pre-recorded. See upcoming show menu on the home page for program details.

4. Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021; 7-8:30 pm PDT (9-10:30 pm CDT, 10-11:30 pm EDT): No program today.

5. Friday, Jan.8, 2021; 9:30-11 am PDT (11:30 am-1 pm CDT, 12:30-2 pm EDT): We welcome back John Blincow of The Gateway Foundation will talk about in-space construction and his company, Orbital Assembly, Inc.

6. Sunday, Jan.10, 2021; 12-1:30 pm PDT (3-4:30 pm EDT, 2-3:30 pm CDT): We welcome back Dr. Gilbert Levin to discuss possible life on Mars, his Viking experiments and more.

Some recent shows:

** The Space Show – Jan.3.2020Dr. Robert (Sam) Wilson of the The Aerospace Corporation talked about “his paper [Leveraging Commercial Space for National Security (pdf)] on commercial space applications for national security and DOD space”.

** The Space Show – Dec.29.2020 Thomas A. Olson returned for his annual end-of-the-year show to review commercial space for 2020 and [look] ahead to 2021.

** See also:
* The Space Show Archives
* The Space Show Newsletter
* The Space Show Shop

The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.

The Space Show - David Livingston
The Space Show – Dr. David Livingston

Space policy roundup – Jan.4.2021

A sampling of links to recent space policy, politics, and government (US and international) related space news and resource items that I found of interest (find previous space policy roundups here):

International space


** Episode 28 – What’s Hot 4th Quarter 2020 Michael Listner/Space Law & Policy SolutionsSpace Thoughts – YouTube

** The Space Show – Jan.3.2020Dr. Robert (Sam) Wilson of the The Aerospace Corporation talked about “his paper [Leveraging Commercial Space for National Security (pdf)] on commercial space applications for national security and DOD space”.

** The Space Show – Dec.29.2020 Thomas A. Olson returned for his annual end-of-the-year show to review commercial space for 2020 and [look] ahead to 2021.

** China Aero & Space Weekly News Round-Up – Episode 14 (28th Dec. 2020 – 3rd Jan. 2021)Dongfang Hour – YouTube

Topics discussed included:

1) Deep Blue Aerospace Completed Wet Dress Rehearsal & gives Hints on its 2021 Calendar
2) OTT Airlines Maiden Flight

3) China and Italy Celebrate 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations
4) Not China-Related, but significant

** Best Space Moments of 2020!!! – Everyday Astronaut

** Big Tech, Spectrum Utilization and Space Force’s 1st AnniversaryConstellations Podcast

For the last episode of 2020, we sit down with Jeff Rowlison to go over major events of 2020 including the impact of COVID on the space industry, the success of SpaceX, big tech entering our industry, and C-band relocation. Jeff also takes a look back at Space Force and its vision for enterprise satellite communications and how the Guardians will operate within the SATCOM environment. He briefly goes over what it has accomplished since its establishment a year ago. Finally we ask Jeff to get his crystal ball out and share his predictions for 2021: what technology will arise and is there a particular company or individual we should keep our eyes on?

** Space Café WebTalk – SUMMIT with Markus Payer – 10. December 2020spacewatch. global – News Room – YouTube

In this week’s first Space Café Summit “Anarchy in Space?”, Prof. Kai-Uwe Schrogl and Ntorina Antoni discussed a variety of topics on space security and space safety.

** Space Café WebTalk – Stephan Hobe – 8. December 2020spacewatch. global – News Room – YouTube

In this week’s Space Cafè WebTalk, Prof. Stephan Hobe, Director at Institute of Air Law, Space Law and Cyber Law, University Cologne, Cologne, Germany talked about the future design of the legal order for human activities in outer space.

Prof. Hobe discussed some questions of the future design of the legal order for human activities in outer space.

This included economic space activities like the use of outer space through satellites, coordination via Space Traffic Management, and the use of resources from celestial bodies. Also future forms of the military use of outer space are discussed.

There will be a crucial focus on the question how the legal order for the commercial uses of outer space pays tribute to the main requirement of the Outer Space Treaty to allow a general participation of all countries in the use of outer space and its benefits.


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The Game of Solar System Exploration


Videos: Night sky highlights for January 2021

** What’s Up: January 2021 – Skywatching Tips from NASA JPL

What are some skywatching highlights in January 2021? Mark Earth’s closest approach to the Sun for the year, called perihelion, at the start of the month, then spot a couple of elusive planets: Uranus on Jan. 20th and Mercury throughout the second half of the month. Additional information about topics covered in this episode of What’s Up, along with still images from the video, and the video transcript, are available at….

** What’s in the Night Sky January 2021 #WITNS | Quadrantid Meteor Shower | MercuryAlyn Wallace

00:00 Intro
00:39 Skillshare
01:30 Northern Hemisphere Night Sky
07:39 Southern Hemisphere Night Sky
12:19 Quadrantids Meteor Shower
15:20 #WITNS Winners

** Tonight’s Sky: JanuarySpace Telescope Science Institute

In January, the northern hemisphere features beautiful views of Capella, a pair of giant yellow stars; Aldebaran, a red giant star; and two star clusters—the Hyades and the Pleiades. Keep watching for the awe-inspiring space-based views of the Crab Nebula, the remains of a star that exploded as a supernova.

**  What to see in the night sky, January 2021BBC Sky at Night Magazine

A new year means a new stargazing calendar! Pete Lawrence and Paul Abel reveal what’s in the night sky throughout January 2021. Head out and see what you can spot tonight.

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