Here is the latest episode in NASA’s Space to Ground weekly report on activities related to the International Space Station:
** Expedition 67 Education inflight with JPL and Caltech – NASA Video
Aboard the International Space Station, NASA Expedition 67 Flight Engineer Jessica Watkins answered pre-recorded questions about life and work on the orbital laboratory during an in-flight event August 9 with students, faculty, and staff at Caltech in Pasadena, California. Watkins is an alum of Caltech and is in the midst of a science mission living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions as part of NASA’s Moon and Mars exploration approach, including lunar missions through NASA’s Artemis program. Join NASA as we go forward to the Moon and on to Mars — discover the latest on Earth, the Solar System and beyond with a weekly update in your inbox.
** Chinese astronauts set up new lab module, test robotic arm on space station – VideoFromSpace
The Shenzhou-14 crew has been keeping busy with “daily care of the core module, setting up the status of the Wentian lab module, and assembling and testing the regenerative life support system,” according to China Central Television (CCTV). See footage of the crew and views outside the Tiangong space station in these highlights
** Earth from Space in 4K – Expedition 65 Edition – NASA Johnson
The people who get to see the Earth from space marvel at its beauty, the colors, the fragility they feel about the planet 250 miles below them. Now it’s your turn: this ultra-high definition video, captured during the International Space Station’s Expedition 65, allows you an extended, appreciative gawk at the home planet in all its glory. Hit play, and go into orbit mode.
This footage was shot from the International Space Station between April 17, 2021 – Oct. 17, 2021.
** ISS Live video stream – IBM/ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment
Currently, live views from the ISS are streaming from an external camera mounted on the ISS module called Node 2. Node 2 is located on the forward part of the ISS. The camera is looking forward at an angle so that the International Docking Adapter 2 (IDA2) is visible. If the Node 2 camera is not available due to operational considerations for a longer period of time, a continuous loop of recorded HDEV imagery will be displayed. The loop will have “Previously Recorded” on the image to distinguish it from the live stream from the Node 2 camera. After HDEV stopped sending any data on July 18, 2019, it was declared, on August 22, 2019, to have reached its end of life. Thank You to all who shared in experiencing and using the HDEV views of Earth from the ISS to make HDEV so much more than a Technology Demonstration Payload!
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