Category Archives: Living in Space

Astronaut panel to discuss the Overview Effect on a Google+ Hangout, March 5th

zero2infinity is hosting a Google+ hangout event on Tuesday, Mar 5th, 3:00 pm EST – 3:30 pm: The overview effect: an Astronaut panel with zero2infinity – Google+

Join our astronaut panel live on google+ hangout! Ron Garan, Michael Lopez-Alegria and Jean-Francois Clervoy will hang out and speak about the perspective they gained in orbit. Moderated by Annelie Schoenmaker from zero2infinity.

The Space Show: Curiosity update, California Space Day, and Living in deep space

Dr. Samuel Kounaves joined David Livingston on the John Batchelor Show’s Hotel Mars segment to talke about the Curiosity rover’s drilling activities, Mars soil samples, and the search for organics molecules: The John Batchelor Show Hotel Mars, Wednesday, 2-27-13 – Thespaceshow’s Blog

Also, on the Space Show this week,  Duane Hyland and John Rose discussed the AIAA California Space Day and the California aerospace industry: AIAA California Space Day, Monday, 2-25-13 – Thespaceshow’s Blog

And Dr. George Robinson talked about “Human species survival via space habitation” beyond low earth orbit: Dr. George Robinson, Tuesday, 2-26-13 -Thespaceshow’s Blog

Sci-Tech: DARPA RFI for defusing the threat of ionizing radiation

DARPA is seeking proposals for projects to investigate ways to mitigate the health effects of ionizing radiation: DARPA Seeks to Defuse the Threat of Ionizing Radiation – DARPA

DARPA releases request for information on novel approaches to mitigate immediate and long-term health damage from acute exposure to ionizing radiation and model its biophysical effects

The program is aimed at dealing with terrestrial situations but if it results in useful treatments, the would be useful for space explorers and settlers if they are subjected to high radiation doses when exposed to a solar flare event with insufficient shielding.