Category Archives: Astronomy

Juno gravity assist successful despite safe mode + Amateurs image the flyby

The Juno spacecraft successfully ricocheted from earth yesterday to set itself on course to Jupiter (see earlier posting) : Juno goes into safe mode during Earth flyby – Spaceflight Now.

It went into safe mode, some time around closest approach to earth. In safe mode a spacecraft shuts most everything down except the most essential services and prepares to reboot on command from mission control. It’s a way of dealing with potential computer problems that might otherwise put the system into a permanent hanged state.

Despite this glitch, it looks like everything went well.

Amateur observers around the world were able to track and image the spacecraft during its visit: Amateur Images Show Juno’s ‘Slingshot’ Around Earth Was a Success – Universe Today

Comet ISON moving closer

The comet C/2012 S1, or ISON as it is called, will pass close to the sun this November. The big question is whether it will put on a big show for the unaide eyes of everyone or just be visible to those looking through telescopes. At the moment is it is showing off for those watching it through such aids: Green light for ISON: Comet blazes in stunning shots – PhotoBlog

The comet was discovered on September 21, 2012 by Vitali Nevsk of Vitebsk, Belarus and Artyom Novichonok of  Kondopoga, Russia.

Here is a blog dedicated to the comet: WAITING FOR ISON. It offers lots of resources about this big dirty snowball.

Here are some Hubble images of comet Ison from April 10, 2013:


Jodie Foster narrates documentary on the Very Large Array radio astronomy observatory

Here’s a documentary video (embedding not allowed) about the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). The video is narrated by Jodie Foster, who was seen at the VLA in the movie ContactBeyond The Visible: The Story of the Very Large Array – Vimeo

Created in 2013 as the new interpretive film for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) public Visitor Center, this 24-minute production explores the synergies of technology and human curiosity that power the world’s most productive radio telescope. Narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Jodie Foster (star of the film “Contact,” which was based on the novel by Carl Sagan and filmed at the VLA), the program depicts many of the people whose diverse efforts enable the VLA to be a cutting-edge resource for astronomers and humanity worldwide.

For more information about the VLA, where we welcome visitors at no charge, visit The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.


Video: The Colossus telescope and the search for exoplanets with advanced tech civilizations

This SETI Institute talk combines two amazing developments of our day – the discovery of exoplanets and the development of giant telescopes. Jeff Kuhn of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii gives an excellent presentation (suitable for a wide audience) about The Colossus Project: Designing an optical/IR instrument to detect life outside the solar system:

This talk describes an effort to detect life, and even conduct a planetary census, in our cosmic neighborhood. I’ll describe some results from the Colossus group, an interdisciplinary science and engineering team, working to show how telescopes much larger than the TMT or EELT could be built today by relaxing some of the astronomical requirements of current “world’s largest telescope” projects.