Doug Turnbull: More interviews and more from the novel ‘Zachary Dixon”

posted back in April a set of links to shows from the weekly podcast program of science fiction writer Doug Turnbull. He has continued with his interviews with Mars One expedition candidates and with the serialization of his latest novel, Zachary Dixon.  Here are the

Episode LI – ” Mars One volunteer and US Army Chemical Defense officer, Heidi Beemer, as well as a brief space science update and the next installment of my new novel Zachary Dixon”

Episode LII – “Interview with rocket scientist and computer expert, Rick Kwan, as well as a brief space science update and the next installment of my new novel Zachary Dixon.”

Episode LIII – “Second half of our interview with rocket scientist and computer expert, Rick Kwan, as well as a brief space science update and the next installment of my new novel Zachary Dixon. ”

* Episode LIV – “Interview with medical doctor and Mars One volunteer, Elena Shateni, as well as a brief space science update and the next installment of my new novel Zachary Dixon. ”