Category Archives: General

Carnival of Space #614 & #615 – & Urban Astronomer hosts Carnival of Space #614 and the Urban Astronomer hosts Carnival of Space #615.

“A coronal mass ejection (CME) of our Sun as observed by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory on August 31, 2012.” Credits: Chandra X-ray Observatory blog via Urban Astronomer


Shoot for the Moon:
The Space Race and the Extraordinary Voyage of Apollo 11

Carnival of Space #612 & #613 – Universe Today & CosmoQuest

Universe Today hosts Carnival of Space #612.

And Citizen Science/CosmoQuest hosts Carnival of Space #613.

Bennu Mapper Screen Capture
A screen capture of Bennu Mapper: “NASA is partnering with CosmoQuest Volunteers (that’s you!) to map out rocks, boulders, & craters on the asteroid Bennu. These same tasks are being done by mission scientists. Working together, we can develop a hazard map of Bennu and find scientifically interesting places to further explore.”